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The importance of Freight Broker Credit Check…

Freight brokers are the most important bridge in shipping industry connecting shippers and carriers However it is vital for carrier to know that they are working with a reliable partner.

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How to get paid on time…

Delayed payments can hurt business operations and growth. Freight carriers want to receive payments in timely manner so they can cover all their business expenses. Unfortunately, the industry standard

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What is freight factoring?

If you’re reading this post, you may have a slight idea of freight factoring. We are here to fully explain what this term means as well as some of the benefits that come with it.

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Why is factoring invoices important?

Factoring invoices can help carriers to get paid faster than they normally would. Factoring companies buy the invoices from the driver and advance most of the invoice

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What is the difference between invoice factoring and freight factoring?

If you haven’t read about what invoice factoring is and some of its benefits, read our other blog posts first. Our previous article introduced freight factoring.

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How does factoring work?

Factoring is an important financing method that many truckers in the industry use. If you haven’t read about what factoring is, check out our other blogs to get more information.

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